Night of 1,000 Conversations
Thursday, June 19, 2008
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Catholic Multicultural Center, 1862 Beld Street

On June 19, thousands of people from across the country will gather in homes, offices, coffee shops, and places of worship to discuss how the current policies of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is undermining the civil liberties and human rights of people living in America.

Thank you for taking the time to participate in the Night of 1,000 Conversations. You are joining thousands of concerned people to discuss how to change these shameful actions. This is a first step to restoring basic human rights and liberties to people living in this nation.

As hosts to this event we are providing an educational opportunity for your family and friends to engage in dialogue about complicated issues that need Conversations, not just destructive rhetoric.

The Rights Working Group is a national coalition dedicated to protecting the rights of all people living in the U.S. With the help and passion of individuals like you, we know we can effect change. We thank you for your enthusiasm and commitment and hope you will join the campaign for Comprehensive, Just and Humane Immigration Reform and a change in DHS policies and actions.

Welcome and Introductions
Documentary: “Voice of a Mountain” life after the civil war in Guatemala
Report on Human Rights Violations at the Border. Leila Pine
Q & A and conversations about the topic of Immigration
JOIN US! And Invite Your Friends and Neighbors to this Inspiring Event!