Hello Everyone,

You know about the noon rally*. I read in this morning's WSJ that the Interfaith Coalition for Worker Justice is sponsoring a rally & march beginning at 2:30 pm Saturday, meeting at Grace Episcopal Church downtown. UUs will join lots of other people of faith for this. I'm going to do my best (as an FUS member) to steer the SSL banner over to Grace Episcopal in time for this second rally. I think it would be great to get the word out to UUs in our district. I still don't have an FUS point-person-with-cell-phone for either rally, so if any FUSer knows someone who could fill that role, please forward this message to him/her.

*Here is the information for Rally #1: Marching on the Side of Love this Saturday Please join others from James Reeb, First and Prairie Unitarian Universalist in the noon demonstration this Saturday, Feb. 26th at the Capitol. East-siders: meet at the Red Caboose Day Care parking lot at 654 Williamson Street at 11:15. By 11:30 we will march up to the Capitol behind the UU "Standing on the Side of Love" banner with our friends & families. Because our UU principles include affirming & promoting "the use of democratic process within...society at large" and "world community with peace, liberty and justice for all," the UU stance is that this is a human rights issue & that collective bargaining is a human right.

We will plan to be on the Capitol grounds at the bottom of the hill below the rally. If the rally is at State Street we would be a towards the W. Washington side. If King St., nearer the E. Washington side. We will start walking from Red Caboose about 11:30, so we'll be at the King St. corner about 11:45. Then we'll walk counter clockwise if we need to get to State St. From Kelly Kearns of the PJs (Peace, Justice & Sustainability) 249-0619
Kelly Kearns cell phone 608-345-7144