From: Action Wisconsin 

Monday's hearing on the anti-gay constitutional amendment is a sham. Three 
of the five committee members are cosponsors of the amendment, and the 
chairman of this hearing on the "defense of marriage" will be 
triple-divorcee State Sen. Dave Zien. Here are details for our protest on 
Monday, March 1st at 9am.

Meet in Capitol rotunda at 9am.  We will go together to the Assembly Parlor 
to hold a press conference to explain why we are boycotting the hearing. 
(Volunteers will help direct you to the Assembly Parlor.)

Press conference starts at 9:15am.  We need as many people there as 

Directly after the press conference, we will return to the rotunda on the 
ground floor and stage a silent protest until 10:30am. We will be silent to 
demonstrate the gravity of the situation and to symbolize the way our voices 
are not being heard by many of our elected officials.

Please bring signs to voice opposition to the ugly efforts to amend the 
state and federal constitutions. (Ideas for slogans below.)  If you can, 
organize friends, family, classmates, or coworkers to gather over the 
weekend to make these signs.

After the protest, please stop by your legislators' offices.  Urge them to 
oppose the amendment. (For talking points, see:  If they are on our side, please ask them 
to do whatever is in their power to derail this amendment.

We will not be able to tell you on the spot who your legislators are.  
Please look up their names and office numbers before you come:

It is critical that we turn out as many people as possible to demonstrate 
our resistance to this process.  Please do what you can to be there--and 
please ask your friends and family to join us!  We have heard that people 
are coming from all over the state.

Possible slogans:

Don't discriminate, don't amend
We are the majority
I don't need Bush/Gundrum/etc. to defend my marriage
Marriage equality now
Don't write me/my kids/etc. out of the law
You are hurting my family
Protect/Defend your own marriage!
All families deserve protection
End special rights for heterosexuals
Support equality? I do!
Show me how I/gay couples threaten your marriage
Insecure about your marriage? Don't take it out on us!
Protect the sanctity of the constitution!
