The following items are available in the Social Action Committee section of the cabinets in the Meeting House office for Prairie members to borrow:

VHS Videos
9/11 For the Record - NOW with Bill Moyers
The Sound of the Violin in My Lai - Winds of Peace
Colombia: The Next Vietnam? - Anne Barstow & Tom Driver
Johnny Wolf of the Crawford (Texas) Peace House at Prairie - Jackson Tiffany
A Prayer for America - Dennis Kucinich

Fahrenheit 9/11 - Michael Moore
The Ground Truth: The Human Cost of War - Patricia Foulkrod
There's Something About W - Robin Chin, John Grimes & Louise Rubacky

September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows: Turning Our Grief into Action for Peace - David Potorti
Its a Free Country: Personal Freedom in America after September 11 - Danny Goldberg, Victor Goldberg & Roben Greenwald
9-11 - Noam Chomsky
Sustainability Organizations: Directory for the Madison area of Wisconsin, 2004 Edition - Sustain Dane

Service Committee News - UUSC