The Madison Gospelaires:
Benefit Concert for the Madison Area Peace Coalition
Saturday, December 7th, 3:00 PM
St. Mark's Church, 605 Spruce Street, Madison

Spruce street is across from Kohl's Grocery on south Park St. The church is a couple blocks east on Spruce, along the south side of the street.

The Gospelaires are a group of five singers who sing acapella traditional Southern gospel. The group was started in 1985 by Dot and Will Williams, who are members of MAPC. The Gospelaires wear traditional African dress, and tell a story through their music. The concert will be a fun-filled and culturally enriching event. Families and children are more than welcome to attend.

Donations will be accepted at the event. For more information, please contact Rae Vogeler at (608) 835-7501.


November 24, 2002


The Holiday season is upon us, a time when many people wish for peace on earth. The Madison Area Peace Coalition (MAPC) has been working for peace since it was founded last year. We have talked with our neighbors about peace, organized rallies and brought our message directly to government leaders. We actively promoted two resolutions, which recently passed the Madison City Council: one opposing a war on Iraq, and the other supporting civil liberties. Now we are embarking on a door-to-door peace canvassing campaign in Madison.

This Holiday season, you can help MAPC by attending the Madison Gospelaire's Benefit Concert. Please spread the word to your friends, relatives, and members of your organization or congregation.

The Gospelaires are a group of five singers who sing acapella traditional Southern gospel. The group was started in 1985 by Dot and Will Williams, who are members of MAPC. The Gospelaires wear traditional African dress, and tell a story through their music. They do live performances to preserve this beautiful music style, which is rarely heard on radio. The concert will be a fun-filled and culturally enriching event. Families and children are especially welcome to attend.

A potluck dinner will follow the concert in the dining area of the church. If you wish to join us for dinner, please bring a dish or beverage to share. This will be a great time to relax, socialize, find out more about MAPC, and get to know other people who share your convictions.

The Madison Gospelaires have performed at Folklore Village in Southern Wisconsin, the Great River Festival in La Crosse, the Barrymore Theater in Madison, and other places like Milwaukee, Chicago and Benton Harbor, Michigan. The Gospelaires are donating their services for the benefit of the Madison Area Peace Coalition. Instead of an entrance fee at the door, contributions will be accepted during the concert.

Please join us for this afternoon of music and cheer!


Rae Vogeler, on behalf of the Madison Area Peace Coalition