From Bob Reuschlein:

Colin Benedict of WISC TV has agreed to be our moderator!
Each candidate get one or two minutes for openning and closing
statements and one minute response for each question.  We have picked
eight questions for the first two hours, then we'll have a ten minute
break and audience questions for the last hour.

(Final Planning Meeting 5:30 pm Wil Mar Tuesday Feb 10.)


Madison, Wisconsin
Contact:  Bob Reuschlein 608-848-5248 (H), 608-288-9192 (W),

"Peace and Justice Presidential Forum"
Thursday, February 12th,  7pm to 10:10pm
University of Wisconsin
3650 Humanities (State and Park St.)
Madison, Wisconsin

All presidential candidate representatives, Democrats, Greens,
Socialists, Libertarians, and the Republican are invited.  Scheduled
five days before the Wisconsin Presidential Primary February 17th, 2004.

Thursday, February 12 - 7:00-10:10pm

Please join us on UW-Madison's campus (3650
Humanities building) for a public forum for presidential candidate
representatives or real candidates, based on our issues, in coalition
with other issue groups, only 5 days before the Presidential Primary in
Wisconsin on Tuesday, February 17!

Sponsors of this event include Madison Area Peace Coalition, the ACLU of
Wisconsin, Veterans for Peace, Madison East Students for Freedom and
Peace, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Stop the War,
and Citizens for Global Solutions. For more information, or to get
involved in the planning, please contact Bob Reuschlein at (608)
848-5248 or

Confirmed Candidates:
Socialist Party Candidate Walter F. Brown (from Portland, Oregon)

Confirmed  Candidate Representatives:
For Democratic Party Candidate John Kerry:
        To be announced soon
For Democratic Party Candidate Wesley Clark:
        Promised (name unknown)
For Democratic Party Candidate Howard Dean:
        Probable (name unknown)
For Democratic Party Candidate John Edwards:
For Democratic Party Candidate Dennis Kucinich:
        Myron Eshowsky
For Democratic Party Candidate Al Sharpton:
        Nothing heard from campaign yet.
For Green Party Candidate David Cobb:
        Alderperson Brenda Konkel, Madison
For Green Party Candidate Peter Camejo:
        George Martin, Co-Chair, Black Caucus - Green Party of the U.S.
For Libertarian Party:
        Rolf Lindgren (former vice chair Libertarian Party of Wis. 2003)
For Republican Party:
        Much contact, response unclear

Madison Area Peace Coalition Question Areas:
1) Opposing the use of U.S. military, economic or political force to
violate the sovereignty or human rights of any
nation or people.
2) Protection of civil liberties
3) Reductions in military spending
4) Encouraging international conflict resolution

Madison Area Peace Coalition
Vets for Peace
Madison East Students for Freedom and Peace
ACLU of Wisconsin
Citizens for Global Solutions
Stop the War