Madison area songwriters and singers invite the community to PeaceSongs: Our Community Sings For Peace, on Sunday, February 16th beginning at 2:00, at the First Unitarian Society Meeting House, 900 University Bay Drive. Participants will hear and join in singing original songs inspired by hopes for peace and concerns about the threat of war. Performers include Amelia Royko, Sally de Broux, Marianne Flemming, Shauna Wells, Steve Albert, Candy Kreitlow & Katie Waldren (of Heartwood), Leo Sidran, Joy Dragland, Doug Brown, Holly Brook and Stuart Stotts.

The event is free and open to the public. Voluntary donations will be collected and distributed among local groups working for peace.

For more information, contact:
Doug Brown 608-233-1953


 Dear Friends,
 I am inviting you to do 3 things:

 1.  Attend the Peace Sing and raise your voice for peace.
 2.  Pass this info on to others.
 3.  Consider volunteering at the event.  Before the show for set-up.
 During the show to distribute lyric sheets & staff donation sites.  After
 the show for clean-up.  Yours truly is the "volunteer coordinator", so
 please let me know if you'd be willing to help out.  Thanks!
 Hope to hear you there!
In peace,
Kathy Germann 
phone/fax:  608-233-6757